Elea merkilegu heiti: Vingjarnlegur, Örlátur, Kát, Nútíma, Virk. Fá Elea merking nafns.
Elea Uppruni fornafns. Short form of Eleanor. This was also the name of an ancient Italian town (modern Velia) which is well known for being the home of the philosopher Parmenides and his student Zeno of Elea, who was famous for his paradoxes. Fá Elea Uppruni fornafns.
Elea nafn diminutives: Nellie, Nelly. Fá Gælunöfn fyrir Elea.
Samheiti fyrir Elea í mismunandi löndum og tungumálum: Aliénor, Eilidh, Eilionoir, Eléonore, Eleonóra, Eleonoora, Eleonor, Eleonora, Eleonore, Ella, Ellen, Elli, Ellinor, Leonor, Leonora, Leonore, Lora, Lore, Lorita, Nóra, Noora, Noor, Noortje, Nora, Norina. Fá Elea á öðrum tungumálum.
Algengustu nöfnin með eftirnafninu Tonkinson: Nicholas, Beth, Gene, Aimee, Florencio, Aimée. Fá Nöfn sem fara með Tonkinson.